Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Business Serenity Now!


My company does consulting for Delta Air Lines and while watching the latest “Planeguage” video – I laughed out loud. I happened to have this experience a few years ago on Spirit Air when I happened to be in the very last row. Needless to say the flight experience was horrible and I have since […] Serenity Now!

Welcome 2008

I return to blogging a year older and a little more relaxed now that the holidays are done. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are ready for a great year! I am in the midst of catching up with work, and getting everything back in order. I learned that the holiday time is more […]


Post Holiday Hurrah

I am back from a few day vacation in Washington DC with my family. We had a nice time in a great city! My grandparents were with us and I had the pleasure of going to the World War II monument with my grandfather who fought over in Europe during WWII. It was quite touching […]

Serenity Now! Web Development WordPress

WordPress MU Spam

I recently finished up migrating a site for a client (WordPress MU) from one host to another. I got an email requesting the migration from someone that said “it was a simple blog with only a few plugins”. When I took my initial look, I counted 30 plugins, and a database with 2093 tables (WordPress […]

Life Serenity Now!

Nine Years Later…

Nine years later to the month that I proudly graduated from Penn State and I have finally paid off my student loans! This is a big day for me as I thought it would never happen. Now I can put my student loan payment towards’ Evan’s future college fund so he hopefully will not have […]


Tis the Season

I, for some crazy reason, agreed to go to one of the busiest malls in America yesterday with a friend. Of course it was supposed to be a quick in – quick out shopping experience, but as soon as you get there, it always turns into a “ohh, I also need to go to x”. […]


Time To Clean Out the Trunk…

Well – I think it is finally time to take my golf clubs out of my trunk. I spent the morning yesterday getting the driveway clear with the snowblower (it was like Christmas to me). I love the snow, using the snow blower, and being out in the cold (think: free air conditioning). Unfortunately, this […]

Hints Serenity Now!

Email Overload? Here Are Some Tips.

Most people rely on email for their day to day business and personal communication – so much so that your mailboxes are most likely overflowing. Here are a few tips I have practiced over the last few years to keep my email under control. Make a judgement call with each email message you receive. If […]


Happy Post Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I actually took some time off to relax and not work – which is rare. I look forward to getting back into the swing of things this week!

Apple Serenity Now! Version 3.1

I have been using Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) for multiple weeks now, and I am absolutely fed up with (others are as well). I rely heavily on email for all aspects of my business, and I finally had to resort to using webmail today so I would not waste any more time troubleshooting […]

Business Hints Hosting Serenity Now!

Out of Disk Space

If you all the sudden get database errors (select, cannot login, cannot write, etc) – and everything looks ok (from the database end of things) check to make sure you have not run out of disk space. How do I know? Well – let’s say last night I had to do a major fall clean-up. […]