Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Serenity Now!

Growl Gone Bad

Some days are better than others. Somedays you do not need to work with other humans to get slapped in the face. Welcome to my day. (For those that do not know what you are looking at – it is a screen full of error notification messages brought to me by Growl)

Hints Life

Career Advice for College Students (or Anyone)

I returned from a trip to my alma mater, The Pennsylvania State University, a few days ago after getting asked to speak at the History Department career fair. I was one of seven speakers at the event. We all had various non-traditional history degree careers (which was the point) and surprisingly we all had a […]

Apple Serenity Now!

Chicago: Cold

I know it is generally cold here in the winter – and even though we had a nice break a few days ago, it is cold here, but man I was shocked to see my Mac Mini’s ambient temperature reporting: So much for that temperature reporting application!


Chicago is Beautiful…

Chicago is a beautiful city. It has a beautiful lakefront, a beautiful skyline, and a beautiful grid layout. Check out this awesome night photo that shows the grid system:

HOWTOs Serenity Now!

Backup to Amazon S3 With Rsync.

Finally – I stumbled upon an article that outlines how to use rsync, Mac OS X, Jungle Disk, and Amazon S3 (all which I use). This will simplify and speed up my backup process. (Especially when my external backup drive has been acting a little irregular this morning.) If you do not backup your files, […]

Life Serenity Now!

Back to the Snow

I just returned from a four day trip to FL to visit some family…and to play some golf – both which were enjoyable. I am not much of a warm weather person, but I did enjoy the break from the snow here in Chicago (the most we have seen here in ten years). I am […]

Business Life

Career Night Speaker at Penn State

I will be back in State College, PA in April to speak at the History Department Career Night. So, if any of you State College folks are around, I would love to get together with you while I am there (email me about my arrival/departure). I will be talking about my career outside of the […]

Hardware Serenity Now!

Bluetooth Cordless Phone

I was in the market for new cordless phones after being completely disgusted with the Uniden UI and came across something I found pretty interesting: cordless phones that would allow me to make/take calls from my home line and my cell phone. A and I are famous for not hearing my cell phone while at […]


Super Snow!

We got some super snow over the last few days and I am loving it! Yesterday we got so much snow it was a two time snowblower day which is always fun. This is by far the most snow I have ever seen here (Chicago) since moving from the Buffalo area and our streets are […]


mail like it should be: online.

Not that I travel a lot and could benefit from a PO Box – but there is a company out there that will take all your mail (forwarded to a PO Box), scan it, and then put it online for you to manage. Sound interesting? Check out Earth Class Mail.