Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Politics Serenity Now!

Remember Your Manners and Keep it in Perspective

For the past few weeks we receive anywhere from 2-4 calls a day from some politician or some group that supports some other politician with some “important” message. I have also been inundated with email full of “panic” and “need to act right now OR ELSE” messages against this candidate or that candidate.


First Craigslist Purchase

I finally made my first purchase via over the weekend. Last week our treadmill (and my 90+ Fuelband streak) broke. After sulking for a day – I found a promising treadmill (NordicTrack C2500 ) and went to check it out. I ended up buying it and had an enjoyable run this morning. Unlike our […]

Serenity Now!

Going 1996 For a Month…

If you need to talk to me or want to send me a message in the next month (or until the new iPhone comes out) – call me on my home phone or email me. I am going without a mobile phone for awhile.

Places TV

Out of Order: The Amish

I have to admit – I got sucked into watching the show “Out of Order: The Amish“. I will also admit I have always been fascinated by the Amish. Until watching this show – I had nothing but the utmost respect for them. Hardworking, community oriented, etc. While I still appreciate and respect them – […]


For Grandma Z

When I was little, not much beat going to my Grandma Z’s house and seeing the Cuckoo clock go off every hour. I have been thinking about getting one for my kids for awhile and after a long Friday – I went out and bought an authentic Cuckoo clock made in the Black Forest of Germany. All three kids run to it on the hour to hear/see everything.


I Voted: PSU Alumni Trustee Election 2012

I have been waiting to vote in this election (Alumni Trustee Election) since November of last year. While it is no secret who I want to win – I have high hopes for these three new members. Let’s hope the new elected trustees ruffle a few feathers and can get Penn State turned in the […]

Serenity Now!

My US Flag Was Made In China

I like to support the Illinois VFW and so this time around – for my donation they gave me a new US flag and flagpole kit. I was quite excited as I have been meaning to get one for awhile now. When I opened up the kit – I was pretty shocked to see that […]

Serenity Now!

What is Fiction Here?

On my way to lunch – a truck almost sideswiped me before realizing I was to the left of them and that caught my attention. When we came to the next stop light, the driver jumped out of his car while the light was red, took out a tape measure, and proceeded to measure the […]


Madonna – See You in September

I have been a Madonna fan for as long as I can remember. I finally saw her in concert last time she came around and it was amazing. I am super excited to say yesterday I got really good tickets for her September show here in Chicago. She is truly amazing and I look forward […]

Serenity Now!

Space Age Typist

After a crazy few weeks – I saw something that shows how I have felt: Space Age Typist. Perhaps a title change is in line for me… Have a great weekend.


We Are…A Family

Some people do not understand it, others think I/we are crazy, but losing Joe was hard. He was more than a coach, a public figure, and an educator…he was part of the family.