Category: Life

Life happens in the small moments…enjoy and learn from them.

Serenity Now!

Gangsta’ Lorem Ipsum

My friend Ben sent me a link to this earlier and I love it. If you are a developer – you are familiar with using lorem ipsum a lot. I am definitely going to use this for a special client in the future:

Hosting Serenity Now!

Hosting – It Matters

I work with web hosts all day long – five days a week. When someone asks me where they should host their files – I always rattle off 2-3 different options – depending on their needs.


Best Hour on the Radio

Over the last few months I have really enjoyed listening to DJ Flipside on B96 both on air (as shown) as well with his podcast available via iTunes.


Merry Christmas to Me

This is something I wanted since the late 1980s. I was super psyched to get this off of eBay and look forward to adding it to my collection of fun things.

Politics Serenity Now!

Remember Your Manners and Keep it in Perspective

For the past few weeks we receive anywhere from 2-4 calls a day from some politician or some group that supports some other politician with some “important” message. I have also been inundated with email full of “panic” and “need to act right now OR ELSE” messages against this candidate or that candidate.