Category: HOWTOs

Step by step guides to help with technical issues that I have worked on over the years.

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

CSS Tuesday: Images as List Bullets

There are plenty of ways to spruce up the boring bullets used in HTML lists. The best way and most browser compatible way I have found to do this is using the following code: You can see that here: Example of fancy bullet Another bullet point Vs. The plain list: Example of fancy bullet Another […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: It is All About the Query

My last ten or so projects I have been working on all have a common theme: maximize WordPress’s ability to be a powerful CMS. Clients more and more are coming to me with the need to create a custom fields which they can store/query data throughout their site. WordPress is completely customizable and because of […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Take Control of Missed Spam

Even with Akismet, and http:BL installed to stop spam – I still get the occasional spam comment. Until a few days ago, I simply got frustrated, went into the WordPress admin and then marked them as spam. Then after thinking about this more, I remembered you could actually enter in your own text pattern that […]


CSS Tuesday: Overide Inline Style

How many times have you worked with either someone else’s code or some crazy dynamically generated code that uses inline styles for everything which you need to change or override but cannot for some reason or another? I have seen this a lot with custom applications written by programmers who think they are doing designers […]

Hints HOWTOs Web Development

PHP 4 or PHP 5? You Pick the Flavor

I recently ran into a situation where there were two versions of PHP on a server and I needed to make sure PHP 5 was being used. To pick the version – all you need to do is add the following into your .htaccess file (assuming you do not have access to your httpd config): […]

HOWTOs Web Development

HOWTO: Use RapidSVN for SVN

If you are a web or application developer, there will come a time (hopefully) that you will need to use subversion for your projects. While I use the command line for this – there are some GUI applications that make it easy for people to manage their files using subversion. For this documentation, I have […]

Hints HOWTOs

How to Find Geographical Coordinates

Ever need to find your location using latitude and longitude? Do a search for your destination using Google Maps and then when your destination is in the center of the map – type: into the browser address bar (no http or www) and your coordinates will appear.

Hints HOWTOs HTML/XTML Web Development

Uncheck Checkbox Values

I recently ran into a situation with a custom form where users had a number of checkboxes where the values were saved upon submit. When they went back through the form to make changes, if they unchecked something that was already checked and submitted the form again, the checkbox value would not change (not empty). […]