Category: HOWTOs

Step by step guides to help with technical issues that I have worked on over the years.

Apple HOWTOs

How to Transfer Purchases in iTunes

Ever need to transfer your purchases from your iPad or iPhone from one computer to another? After getting the alert multiple times I figured it was time to learn. To transfer your purchases – you need to control click on your device (after connecting it to the computer you want to transfer the items to) […]

Apple HOWTOs

iTunes Screensaver in Mac OS X

I generally use the Cosmos screensaver but I recently decided to check out some of the other options. I really thought the iTunes screensaver looked cool – as it shows all your cover art. I then accidentally hovered over one of the album covers and noticed I could actually click on it and switch the […]


Clear Safari 5.1 Cache

When working on projects – I generally need to refresh pages multiple times (to see CSS changes, etc). I generally work with my browser’s cache disabled (Develop Menu > Disable Caches in Safari) but I noticed that simply pressing the return button on a page/site in Safari 5.1 did not work. It was driving me […]

Business HOWTOs

HOWTO: Change Your QuickBooks Web Connect Account

Awhile back I changed banks (bank buyout/name change) and have been fighting with Quickbooks (2010) when I do my web connect imports. When I go yo “Online Banking” > Import within QuickBooks – I have the account I want to use open, but when the .qbo file opens, it goes to my old account (previous […]

CSS HOWTOs Web Development

HOWTO: Target Firefox for Specific CSS

Generally – the best way to handle CSS is to keep it simple, clean, and without any hacks. From now and again there are some times when I need to write CSS specific to IE (using conditional comments). I recently came across a site where I needed to target Firefox because of a width issue. […]

Business HOWTOs Serenity Now!

How NOT to Take/Make a Business Call

It is unbelievable how some people act on a conference call or even a business related call. From my experience here are some pointers on how NOT to impress your colleagues/clients/developers. (All based on actual things I have experienced) Make a business call while in the drive-thru at McDonanlds…and then ask me to hold while […]


Working With WordPress Shortcodes in Template Files

Ever need to include the functionality of a shortcode in a WordPress template file? Awhile back I needed to create a template that auto changed some of the shortcode parameters depending on the URL it was accessed from. (Think single gallery page – that depending on the GET variables of the page – would show […]


Building Big Things on a Small Budget

Most people have great ideas, good plans, and little follow through. Over the years I have seen a lot of this and have even participated on occasion (my want to create heated windshield wipers for one). With consulting – time and time again – I hear great ideas, get a time/cost estimate in place and […]


Jappler Recommends: Trim the Fat With Facebook Status Updates

I cannot tell you how bothered I am when my “news feed” is littered with all sorts of updates about zoo this, farmville that. I like to keep up to date on family friends but I really do not care about the games they are playing which I am not participating in. Fortunately – Facebook […]

Hints HOWTOs

Quick iCal Tip: Set Your Default Calendar

I have been going crazy trying to figure out why all my incoming meeting.ics files were going to my QuickBooks calendar (I have several calendars) and not another one. There had to be a setting somewhere, right? I could not find it, but I did discover how to inadvertently set it: drag the calendar you […]

HOWTOs WordPress

WordPress Wednesdays: Custom Taxonomies

I recently worked on a project where we needed something sort of like tagging, and sort of like categorizing – but neither really worked as there would be way too many exclude this and only show that stuff involved. I needed a way to classify certain content, have easy access to it, and display it […]