Time to Reconnect and Disconnect


A few months ago I closed my Facebook account in order to try and stop wasting so much time on my computer/iPad/iPhone looking at my friend’s and family’s daily statuses, game play activity, and other garbage that got fed to me. Since then – I have not looked back and have been enjoying more quality time actually talking to people and not reading about them. I am more and more people are doing the same thing and actually enjoying turning their phone off, not using Facebook, and not being tied down to Twitter.

I commend them as it is really nice to spend the time – once checking out who was getting new crops in Farmville – actually picking up the phone and talking with someone or going and doing something with friends and family. Take one day or a weekend and every time you want to check out Facebook – actually call someone. You will find it is much more enjoyable. Seriously – do you really care if person x you sort of knew a few years back is taking a walk? Time is too precious!

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Hints Web Development WordPress

Which WordPress Caching Plugin Is Right For You?

Most people can agree on one thing: they want their site to load faster. With a number of WordPress caching plugins now available – it is nice to see someone that did a comparison between the top contenders: http://www.tutorial9.net/web-tutorials/wordpress-caching-whats-the-best-caching-plugin/. Remember – your results will vary based on your hosting environment, your theme, your plugins, etc.